Want Diabetes Reversible Help

 Diabetes is a disease in which the body either lacks insulin or does not produce enough insulin to break ingested glucose into cells.  As a result, the glucose remain in the blood and damage blood vessels.  A high content of glucose in the blood is called hyperglycemia and is often a precursor to heart attack and stroke.  People who have diabetes have twice as much of a chance of having a heart attack and stroke as those without this condition.

In addition to diabetes itself being a risk factor for heart attack and stroke, there are other risk factors that people with diabetes should be aware of to reduce their risk factor for heart attack and stroke.  This includes central obesity.  Studies by the American Heart Association have indicated that while obesity in itself is a risk for a heart attack, carrying excess weight around the waist increases your risk of heart attack.  This is believed to be due to the fact that abdominal fat increases bad cholesterol more than fat on other areas of the body.

Weight is a key element to many sicknesses and diseases. Maintaining a balance diet can be very beneficial to our health.  We must learn to read the ingredients on the label.

One of the first step to losing weight is to set a short-term goal for yourself.  You can do this on  your own but can also get help from your doctor or a dietitian.  A good goal when  starting to lose weight is to take a small percentage of your overall weight and aim to lose  that much in your time frame.  For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds aim to lose weight  5% of your body weight to begin (10 pounds).  When you lose weight as a diabetic you  are helping your body by lessening your insulin requirements.  Weight loss will also assist you in keeping your blood sugar levels under control.

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